Covid-19 Safeguarding

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy COVID-19 Annex

Kongolese Centre for Information & Advice is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. This commitment remains the same in the difficult circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 outbreak. During this period the principles and practices of the organisation’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and the organisation policies & Procedures (including the Code of Conduct) will continue to apply.

This is an annex to the organisation’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (the Policy) which has regard to the UK government and the Home Office COVID – 19 guidance:

The organisation has updated page 7 of the Policy to incorporate the changes made for the new pandemic. This annex includes the COVID-19 related safeguarding arrangements in place (and, where appropriate).

In order to ensure the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults whilst working in extraordinary circumstances, the school will adhere to the Refugee Council coronavirus guidance:

In practice, the following procedures will apply:

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

There will always be a nominated DSL or deputy DSL available, either on site or contactable by phone or online video. Where a DSL or deputy is not on site a senior leader will take responsibility for safeguarding on site if the organisation services are open.

The name and contact details of the ‘duty’ DSL will be published clearly to staff, volunteers and trustees when the weekly duty rota is published.

Children and vulnerable adults with a safeguarding concern should contact the duty SLT or DSL for that day or can email the Senior DSL, the Project Coordinator:

Vulnerable Children

The organisation will continue to work with agencies supporting refugee children such as local authorities, social services and schools to help protect vulnerable children. This will include liaising with relevant providers and ensuring that vulnerable children and those on the edge of receiving social care support can benefit from our services where appropriate.

Staffs, Volunteers and Beneficiaries on site

The organisation will continue to be a safe place for children and vulnerable adults to attend. We will ensure that appropriate staff are on site to maximise safety, and refer to Government guidance for welfare services provision settings on how to implement social distancing and to advice from Public Health England on handwashing and other measures to limit the spread of COVID19.

The organisation will also maintain a record of all staff/volunteers on site on any given day.

The DSL will keep the Policy and this annex under review. The organisation will ensure that all staff and volunteers are aware of this annex and future revisions, which will be published on the organisation’s website.